XoC Survey
XoC Survey: Steps to Protect Patient, Family, and Clinician Privacy
Sarah Vooris - Patient and Family XoC Partner
The Experience of Care, or XoC, Survey is a short and easy to take survey that asks about in-person and virtual care experiences. Your answers are anonymous. Questions relate to infection prevention and control, the way the care team responds to your questions and concerns, care planning, and overall communication and quality of the care experience. It is a valuable tool to provide feedback on what is going well and what could change for the better at our center.
One frequently asked question about XoC relates to patient, family, and clinician privacy. What are the measures that the CFF and our NH CF team take to preserve anonymity?
Steps to Protect Patient, Family, and Clinician Privacy
Each CF center program has a unique URL/QR code to share with patients and families during routine CF visits to invite them to participate in taking an XoC survey. No requests or links to any patient or family information are made in the survey process.
Given the patient population size of our pediatric and adult centers, timing of data access is an additional step to maintain anonymity. Our XoC team does not look at responses right after clinics or appointments. Accessing the information about once a month allows for a larger collection of survey data to accumulate. We share with the larger CF team about every two months.
Although the survey data collected is anonymous and not linked to a specific patient, it is not censored before it is reported to us. Text responses typed in by a patient and family may contain sensitive information. Items may include:
Patient Name “Jackie loves her CF team!”
o Names of Care Team Members “We love Susie the dietician!”
o Negative Feedback “Dr. Smith did not take the time to listen to my concerns.”
Dates of Encounters “Our visit last Monday did not go well.”
This information is kept confidential if shared with other team members, patients, and families at our program.
These steps to maintain privacy highlight our CF team’s dedication to understanding and addressing patient and family needs, preferences, and concerns. The team is committed to patient-centered care and collaboration. Still have questions about your privacy? Connect with a team member at your next clinic visit or via myDh.